Popping Jaw Exercises

A popping jaw is typically an indication of temporomandibular joint disorder (or TMD). This jaw dysfunction is oftentimes characterized by its unique symptoms, which include a popping or clicking jaw alongside back, neck, and even shoulder pain. However, as uncomfortable as this disorder is, a few at-home exercises can help improve symptoms and alleviate the… Read more »

Top Rated Dental Products

Imagine this: you’re in the teeth cleaning aisle of the local drugstore trying to pick out a few items. Toothbrushes, toothpastes, floss, and mouthwashes bombard your vision. Which to choose​,is the question, yet the correct answer doesn’t come to mind. To help his patients avoid situations, such as the one described above, Dr. James Fondriest… Read more »

Dental Infections

Not all broken teeth were created equal. In other words, broken teeth have varying degrees of severity. A broken tooth could have just a chip missing, while other fractures reach as far as the tooth’s pulp. Regardless of the size of the break, leaving a broken tooth untreated could lead to infections. Since the enamel… Read more »

Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious oral illness that tends to become aggressive rather quickly, which is why the proper treatment must begin as soon as the first indicators of gum disease surface. If not, the consequences can wreak havoc upon your overall and oral health. Dr. James Fondriest explains the dangers of untreated gum disease with… Read more »

Allergies to Dental Medications

Allergies to different types of medicine is quite common amongst the medical field. To teach his patients about the differing types of dental allergies, Dr. James Fondriest  shares the following information. Commonly Seen Allergies to Dental Medications Penicillin. Some form of penicillin appears in a number of antibiotic medications and allergic reactions range from very… Read more »

Repair a chipped tooth

A number of factors can cause a tooth to chip. For example, eating something too hard or suffering with dental trauma can lead to a damaged tooth. Regardless of the cause, though, a dentist can typically repair the tooth. To help his patients understand how a chipped tooth is treated, Dr. James Fondriest shares this… Read more »

Do you have a damaged tooth?

If you feel a toothache when you chew or at random times throughout the day, you could be the victim of cavities that are so advanced that they are opening up your dental nerves to sensations. Untreated tooth decay can spread enough to cause a serious infection called an abscess. Your tooth could literally die and… Read more »

Can Green Tea Improve Your Oral Health?

Over the past few years, research has emerged touting the many oral health benefits of green tea. According to numerous studies, the soothing, warm elixir can lower your risk for a range of systemic diseases, including cardiovascular disorders and diabetes. Additionally, many health and beauty experts claim that green tea helps treat acne and calm… Read more »

Bleaching Treatment

Have you wanted to use bleaching treatment to improve the appearance of your smile? Then you should know that not everyone can have the procedure. In fact, dentists often suggest a different whitening alternative, should they fall into one these categories. If you’re unsure if you can receive teeth bleaching treatments, Dr. James Fondriest offers of… Read more »

Teeth Grinding | How to manage it

Teeth grinding can cause headaches

Unconscious teeth grinding or rubbing the teeth together is very common. It is thought that about 50% of  us grind to some degree. Though commonly referred to as a habit, the truth is that sleep bruxism is a chronic condition, and patients who experience it often can’t stop even if they wanted to. The good… Read more »

Acidic Foods affect your teeth

What you eat truly affects your teeth, whether it’s positive or negative. By eating healthy foods, your smile can become fortified and stay healthy. On the other hand, having foods that contain high amounts of sugars can lead to cavities. Acid wear on the enamel comes from a diet rich in acids and the effects… Read more »

Chicago Dentist: Learn More About Dental Bridges with Today’s Quiz

Losing a tooth can affect more than just your appearance. In fact, even a single missing tooth can start a chain of events that leads to diminished oral health and an increased risk of further tooth loss. At Lake Forest Dental Arts, we can replace one or more missing teeth using a dental bridge. In… Read more »

Chicago Dentist Answers FAQs About Veneers

Are you satisfied with the appearance of your smile? Recently, the American Association of Orthodontists commissioned a study conducted by Wakefield Research. The results were surprising: Over a third of American adults are unhappy with the appearance of their smiles. Teeth stains, dental damage, and misalignment are all common dental issues that can hinder the… Read more »

Is teeth whitening permanent?

Since 1996, the number of professional teeth whitening procedures performed by dentists across the United States has increased an amazing 300%, says the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Given the ubiquity of the procedure and the wealth of information out there about it, you probably think you know everything there is to know about teeth… Read more »

Popping or Clicking Jaw | Causes and Remedies

How often has this happened to you? You’re sitting down, about to take a bite of your favorite hamburger or piece of sushi and, as you open your mouth, you hear a familiar popping or clicking sound in your jaw. Even if it doesn’t cause any pain, that loud popping noise can be disconcerting and,… Read more »

Advances in Dental Implants Technology

The latest advances in dental implants and Bioteeth technology If you’ve done any research at all about replacing your missing teeth, then you’ve more than likely read about dental implants. These cutting-edge devices are comprised of three parts: the implant, which an oral surgeon or periodontist inserts into the jawbone; the abutment, which connects the… Read more »

Stained Teeth | Categories of stains, Treatments

stained teeth

Do you have stained teeth? You’re getting ready for the job interview you’ve been thinking about for weeks. But when you flash yourself a grin in the mirror, you see that yellowish or brownish discolorations make your smile look less than brilliant. Unfortunately, those discolored teeth can cause people to perceive you as unhealthy, unkempt,… Read more »

Dental implant mistakes commonly made

If you’ve lost permanent teeth or have done any research on options for tooth replacement, you’ve probably heard of dental implants. The dental industry’s not-so-secret hidden treasure, dental implants are far and away the best method for replacing missing dentition. Dental implants offer patients several advantages over other traditional dental prosthetics.  Although there are many… Read more »

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right for Me?

Cosmetic Dentistry

Is cosmetic dentistry the best way to go for me? The cosmetic dentistry journey is one that begins and ends in the mirror. For most patients, the journey starts when they look at their reflection and feel unhappy or dissatisfied with the general appearance of their smile. That same journey often ends when their dentist… Read more »

Fixing a fractured tooth with a dental crown

A fractured tooth can occur out of nowhere. Whether it’s the result of an unexpected blow to the mouth or gradual wear to the tooth, a fractured tooth can be a very serious shock. Thus, it is good to have a plan of action should such a situation occur. Read below as Dr. James Fondriest,… Read more »

Advantages of Porcelain Crowns

Full mouth reconstruction

When looking to improve the appearance of decayed, gapped, or damaged teeth, you will see the best results with durable and natural looking cosmetic dentistry. The big advantage of porcelain crowns is that they look and feel “real,” and they are strong too. They are stain resistant and can last up to fifteen years. Your… Read more »

Teeth Caps, benefits and uses

Teeth caps

A tooth cap or dental crown is often recommended to restore damaged teeth. Teeth caps can repair your teeth and improve your smile. These modern dental restorations are designed specifically to mimic the size, shape, appearance, and function of healthy, natural teeth. When the visible portion of a tooth is damaged, then a dental cap… Read more »

Natural Looking Porcelain Veneers – Really!

Often, people feel self conscious about their smiles due to stains or misalignment. But what if there was a type of dental procedure that could address a myriad of dental imperfections in as little as two visits? In today’s blog, we explain how natural looking porcelain veneers can transform your smile. Cosmetic Dentistry can give… Read more »

Smile Improvement | Design Options, Procedures

Do you ever feel self conscious about your smile? Do you want a beautiful smile free of dental damage or embarrassing teeth stains? Dr. James Fondriest understands that a beautiful smile boosts confidence and helps make a great first impression. In fact, according to a recent Kelton Research study, a bright smile can make a… Read more »

Ceramic veneers to restore your smile

Ceramic veneers

Our tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. But unfortunately, our teeth are still vulnerable to damage and discoloration. While teeth are meant to withstand a lifetime of wear and tear, your smile can still lose its youthful luster. Many people assume restoring their smiles will require multiple office visits and innumerable… Read more »

Plastic Fillings | Pretty but strong like concrete

plastic fillings

Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity to hot or cold drinks? Are you currently suffering from a chronic toothache? You may have a cavity. Tooth decay is a common, but serious, dental issue. Over time, cavities can even threaten the stability of your teeth and the appearance of your smile. Thankfully, Dr. James Fondriest, offers a… Read more »

Permanent Teeth Whitening

A bright smile instills confidence. According to a recent Kelton Research study, the majority polled said a beautiful smile makes a person appear more successful and attractive. In addition, a large portion of the people polled said a smile was one of the first things they notice when meeting someone for the first time. Many… Read more »

Best Crowns in Chicago | How to tell quality

Best Porcelain Crowns Chicago

Did you know a recent Kelton Research study revealed that people with beautiful, bright smiles are considered more attractive and successful? A gorgeous smile can boost confidence. Often, our teeth become damaged due to tooth decay or injury. When this happens, people can become self conscious regarding the imperfections in their smile. Thankfully, a dental… Read more »

Replace a Single Tooth | Do you have a gap in your smile?

Single Tooth Replacement

Single tooth replacement can be achieved three ways A removable partial denture Dental implants Fixed dental bridgework Dental bridges and implants have replaced partial dentures as the most recommended single tooth replacement options. The quality of life is much better and the esthetics are much preferred. Why is single tooth replacement important? Teeth are about… Read more »

Importance of Roots and Cementum

While a bright smile can boost our confidence, we shouldn’t forget to pay attention to what’s happening to our teeth below the gum line. The roots and cementum of our teeth help keep our smile healthy and beautiful. Dr. James Fondriest, explains the importance of our less visible tooth structure.

Choosing the color of your teeth

What is the Right Shade for Your Smile? Choosing the color of your teeth is one of the most important parts of doing cosmetic dentistry. A bright, gorgeous smile can boost your confidence. Dr. James Fondriest understands what a beautiful smile means to our patients.  Which is why we offer state-of-the-art cosmetic dental procedures to… Read more »

The Benefits of Saliva | More the better

Benefits of Saliva

Did you know that saliva helps your teeth stay healthy and bright? Did you know that saliva heals? Many people don’t realize the benefits of a lot of saliva. Dry mouth isn’t just an uncomfortable dental issue; a lack of saliva actually endangers your beautiful smile. Saliva prevents tooth decay and gum disease and it… Read more »

Dental Pulp

  Keeping your teeth bright and free of stains doesn’t just make your smile sparkle. Regular dental hygiene also protects an important part of your teeth that you can’t even see. In today’s blog, your Lake Forest dentist, Dr. James Fondriest, explains he importance of protecting your dental pulp.

Caring for your tongue – How it affects your dental health

Caring for your tongue

When discussing dental care, most people focus on their teeth. While bright, healthy teeth are vital for good dental health, don’t overlook the tongue. Caring for the tongue is important. In addition to being one of the strongest and fastest healing muscles in the human body, the tongue helps maintain good oral hygiene. In today’s… Read more »

Tooth dentin

Have you ever heard of dentin in teeth? Few people realize the importance of this layer of inner tooth structure. Learn the importance of protecting your dentin and preventing tooth decay.

Preventing Bone Loss

When caring for their smiles, few people consider the importance of a healthy jawbone. In fact, your jawbone helps keep your teeth strong, healthy, and holds them in place. But when a patient fails at replacing missing teeth, they leave their jawbone vulnerable to bone loss. In today’s blog, Dr. James Fondriest, explains how to… Read more »

Protect Your Gums

When people consider cosmetic dentistry to improve their smile, they rarely consider their gums. While Americans spend over 1.4 billion dollars a year on teeth whitening systems, over 75% of the country has some sort of gum problem and 47% of adults have gum disease. In today’s blog, Lake Forest cosmetic dentist, Dr. James Fondriest,… Read more »

Home bleaching | Brighten Your Smile

Is home bleaching better than in office bleaching? Home bleaching with professionally dispensed whitening products is the most effective way to brighten your smile for the long term. While in-office power bleaching will brighten your teeth in 45 minutes, this brightening will not last very long. In office bleaching works mainly by dehydrating the teeth…. Read more »

Single tooth implants – A great restorative option

Let’s face it: once you move past a certain age, losing a tooth is bad news. Unfortunately, adult tooth loss is a serious problem in the U.S. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, 178 million American adults have one or more missing teeth. For centuries, dental bridges have served as the tooth replacement option… Read more »

Implant Secured Bridgework: A Teeth Replacement Option

Implant Secured Bridgework

Implant secured bridgework is the longest lasting type of dental bridge. Most bridges are supported by natural teeth but this version bridges the gap between implants. The adjacent teeth are not damaged in any way. This tooth replacement option has become far more popular than the partial denture option. Tooth loss is devastating to both… Read more »

Bone Retention with Dental Implants

  Did you know that losing a tooth can promote bone loss in your jaw? In addition, traditional dentures can actually make the problem worse, further degrading the bone around the missing teeth. Your Lake Forest dentist, Dr. James Fondriest, explains how dental implants influence jaw bone retention and provide seamless tooth replacement.

Understand TMD

Dysfunctional temporomandibular joints (TMJ) can cause pain in so many different areas that you and your doctor could easily misdiagnose the problem. Radiant pain from a TMJ disorder (TMD) usually remains localized around the jaw, ear, neck, and shoulders. Sometimes, you can feel symptoms of TMD in your back or legs. BecauseTMD sends unpleasant sensations to… Read more »

A TMD Facial Pain Quiz

When your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) suffers an injury or undergoes stress from clenching jaws or grinding teeth (bruxism), you could experience various aches and pains. Nerves connected to the hinges of your jaw could cause discomfort from the jaw to your back that your dentist may be able to treat. Do you know what TMJ disorder… Read more »

TMJ Earaches: The Solution for Your Ear Pain

TMJ Earaches

Do you experience frequent TMJ earaches or a constant ringing in your ears that affects your hearing? Does the pain spread to your face, jaw, or neck or cause frequent headaches? Have over-the-counter pain remedies failed to relieve your pain? While ear infections can cause ear pain, chronic ear pain might be a sign of… Read more »

Neck pain and tooth grinding – Easing Neck Pain

neck pain

  Many people in America suffer from neck pain and tooth grinding. Over-the-counter pain relievers seem to do little, and the cause of their aches remains a mystery. Constant pains in the neck, head, or face, could be a sign of more serious disorder called TMD or TMJ. Dr. James Fondriest, explains TMJ disorder and… Read more »

Smile bleaching

Everyone wants their smile to be beautiful and bright. Over time, our teeth become stained and start to lose their luster. Many people turn to teeth whitening as a method for rejuvenating their smile. Cosmetic dentist, Dr. James Fondriest, discusses the different methods offered to give patients the beautiful, youthful smiles they deserve.

What are inlays and onlays?

When you sustain damage to a tooth, you face several restorative treatment choices. Deciding between procedural options may prove daunting. Understanding the subtle but important differences that distinguish dental restorations can help you work with your dentist to choose the right treatment plan. What current dental restorations can you choose from to correct a damaged… Read more »

Best options for missing teeth

Damaged or missing teeth can cause pain, irritate gums, and make your smile unsightly. Maybe a popcorn kernel cracked your tooth, or your mouth took the brunt of a fall. Whatever the case, a broken tooth may expose nerves and heightens the risk for infection. Gaps between teeth cause remaining teeth to drift and leads… Read more »

How GERD affects teeth

When you eat something that disagrees with your stomach, you might experience heartburn. Episodes of heartburn can become uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Chronic heartburn can eventually hurt the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD affects teeth. In this article, Dr. James Fondriest, explains GERD and how to protect teeth from stomach acid. What is GERD… Read more »

Infected gums | Fight Gum Inflammation

Have you lived with swollen or infected gums? The experience isn’t fun. Infected gums can swell, bleed, and cause pain. During advanced stages of gum disease, gums can also excrete pus while fighting bacterial infection. When these problems develop,  your oral health obviously needs attention. You might wonder what is happening in your mouth and how to… Read more »

Crazy Toothpaste Flavors

We have all heard about the importance of brushing teeth regularly since we were children. But a lifetime of minty toothpaste may get a little boring. While there are different varieties of mint, and even bubblegum, flavors to choose from, our options aren’t vast. Since we should never stop our brushing routine, maybe some investigation… Read more »

TMJ Dysfunction Diagnosis | Symptoms

TMJ refers to the tempromandibular joints that lay in either side of your face, where the jaw connects to the skull. Nestled within the joint is a cartilage disc that allows for full articulation of the jaw. Healthy TMJ function lets you to open and close your jaw with a smooth gliding motion. Any disruption… Read more »

Prepless Veneers | Very Thin Veneers

Prepless veneers

Research on the psychology of smiling shows the influence that your smile has on your professional, social, and romantic relationships. Do you hide your smile due to insecurities over the shape, size, color, or general appearance of your teeth? You could be perceived as insecure, reserved, or even unfriendly. Dr. James Fondriest, offers a revolutionary… Read more »

Whitening Teeth with Baking Soda

There are lots of ways to keep your teeth white: professional take home whitening treatments from your Lake Forest dentist, whitening strips from the store, refraining from food entirely, baking soda. But the latest addition to that list is by far the cheapest option, and you probably have everything you already need at home. Whitening… Read more »

Spices That Improve Oral Health

With the fall chill in the air come the fall spices in your latte. As many of you retreat to your kitchens for warmth this season, try experimenting with some of these spices. They’ll tickle your taste buds and boost your immune system too. 1. Cinnamon This bittersweet holiday spice goes in everything from eggnog… Read more »

Tongue Scrapers

In bathrooms all across the world, toothbrushes, tubes of toothpaste, and packets of floss are being joined by another item: the tongue scraper. If your parents were being thorough when they taught you to brush your teeth twice a day. They should have told you to brush your tongue too. Even if you have followed… Read more »

Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s Link

There is a link between gum disease and Alzheimer’s. Taking care of oral health can delay or reduce the risk of developing cognitive impairments. In honor of Alzheimer’s awareness month, Dr James Fondriest would like to discuss how taking care of your oral health can help delay or reduce the risk entirely of developing cognitive impairments… Read more »

TMJ joint health

In October, the U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) celebrates Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week. The USBJI explains that in the U.S. population over 18 years of age, nearly half experience musculoskeletal, or bone and joint, conditions. Examples include back pain, arthritis, traumatic injuries, osteoporosis, and childhood bone and joint disorders. People are… Read more »

Cosmetic Dentistry Planning – The assessment process

Cosmetic dentistry planning

Are you planning to have some cosmetic dentistry done? Are you comfortable with how your treatment is being arranged? What is the best way to plan for cosmetic dentistry? Not all dentists do comprehensive assessments of your cosmetic dental issues. If you feel dissatisfied by the condition of your smile, we suggest that you get at… Read more »

Tooth pain while flying | Barodontalgia

Have you ever heard of a condition called barodontalgia? No, it’s not some exotic location in Europe, but you do have to fly in an airplane to experience it. Unfortunately, unlike a vacation, you probably don’t want barodontalgia. In laymen’s terms, this condition is simply a high-altitude toothache. Similar to a scuba diver experiencing decompression… Read more »

TMJ therapy

Many people think TMJ is a condition. In fact, TMJ is simply your temporomandibular joints. If you press your fingers gently to either side of your jaw, just in front of each ear, and then open your mouth, you’ll feel your TMJ. The tempormandibular joints is among the most frequently used in the body, helping… Read more »

Female hormones and gum disease | Hormones Heighten Risk

female hormones and gum disease

Research from the Journal of Periodontology suggests women are more likely to floss, visit the dentist regularly. They are less likely to smoke and drink excessive alcohol than men.  Women have more cosmetic dental procedures while having less tooth decay. Although women have historically been better caretakers of their teeth, females are more susceptible to gum… Read more »

Link between flossing and healthy knees

It seems strange, doesn’t it? You’re reading correctly. Recent research has discovered a correlation between gum disease and arthritic knees. Gum problems have been linked to many systemic health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. Periodontal Bacteria Migrating to the Knees Scientists found traces of periodontal bacteria, or gum bacteria, in the knees… Read more »

The Psychology of Smiling

An emerging field of study known as “positive psychology” or “happiness research” offers new insight into human emotions – more specifically, the act of smiling. Many people hide their smiles because they don’t like their appearance. As a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Fondriest builds beautiful smiles that convey a positive image. Do you know what’s in… Read more »

Dental Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

If you’re vigilant about your dental hygiene and see your Chicago dentist twice a year for cleanings and checkups, you’re handling your oral care well. You should experience relatively few dental problems. However, dental issues occasionally arise, despite the best habits. If you experience any of the symptoms discussed below, make an appointment with Dr…. Read more »

Lost teeth linked to dementia

A recent article from the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found a significant association between tooth loss and dementia. Those who can no longer chew food have a higher likelihood of developing dementia. Gum disease creates a bacterial shower in your circulatory system. This bacterial shower is linked to many systemic diseases such as… Read more »

Craze lines on your teeth | Enamel cracks

If you’ve noticed small lines on your teeth, you may have what dentists call craze lines. These web looking imperfections should not be confused with a truly fractured tooth, which is painful. Craze lines are merely hairline cracks in tooth enamel. Though these lines on teeth are cosmetically displeasing, they are not particularly harmful to… Read more »

Dental Bonding | Is It Right For You?

Dental bonding

Are you looking to improve your smile? Do you have a severely stained, chipped, cracked, or misshapen tooth? One of the most affordable and effective cosmetic treatment options involves dental bonding.  The composite resin can be artfully color-matched and molded over a tooth to conceal a wide range of issues. This treatment can make smile… Read more »

The History of dentistry

A prehistoric tooth containing traces of beeswax used as cavity filler has sent a ripple of excitement throughout the history of dentistry. The tooth was discovered as part of a human mandible—or jawbone—in Slovenia near Trieste. There is very little evidence of prehistoric dentistry, thus any finding of this nature is of extreme significance. In… Read more »

Broken teeth

Do  you have broken teeth? Has your smile’s brightness gradually dimmed over the years? Are your chipped or discolored teeth embarrassing you? Do you have deep smile lines that make you frown? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you could benefit from a smile makeover. What do you do when you… Read more »

Gum disease and arthritis | What Do My Knees Have to Do with My Teeth?

Your dental health can have wide-ranging consequences for your overall health. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, researchers from the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland have connected rheumatoid arthritis to periodontitis. The link between gum disease and arthritis comes from the bacteria released into the blood stream. Every time… Read more »

Veneers for men | Do men want cosmetic improvements?

porcelain veneers for men

Do men want veneers as much as women do? As a society, Americans have historically tended to associate a concern for one’s personal appearance with women. For men, caring too much about the way you looked threw your masculinity into question. In recent years, however, that way of thinking is changing. Men are becoming more… Read more »