It’s amazing just how far the field of dentistry has evolved thanks to modern day technology and science. For dental professionals today, it’s not enough to just keep your patients’ teeth clean. Continuing education courses and countless hours and dollars are constantly being spent to ensure that patients receive the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and high-quality… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Patient Comfort
Foods to Avoid with TMJ – or make it worse
Many people experience discomfort with their jaw joints or TMJ pain when they open their mouth wide? This article lists foods to avoid if you have jaw joint pains. This disorder is a serious condition that affects the joints in your jaw. This causes patients great discomfort and pain, which is why managing it is incredibly… Read more »
TMJ Dysfunction
Problems with your bite can cause great discomfort. Allowing those issues to linger and not addressing them in a timely fashion, can lead to additional disruptions to your health. Millions suffer from TMJ Dysfunction (temporomandibular disorder). So, for the help you need with your TMJ issues, Dr. James Fondriest of Lake Forest Dental Arts in… Read more »
Headache won’t go away with medicine
At the first sign of a headache, you probably reach for your preferred over the counter pain reliever or try a home remedy. What should you do if you have the headache that won’t go away with medicine? If these facial pains become chronic, you may struggle to determine why. The answer may be a… Read more »
Broken tooth | Treatment for a fractured tooth
The symptoms of a broken tooth are sometimes difficult to distinguish from symptoms of other dental health issues. For instance, like bruxism or TMJ disorder, cracked tooth syndrome causes sensitivity to extreme temperatures. For example, eating ice cream, or drinking hot coffee may produce an aching sensation in your teeth. In severe cases, breathing hot… Read more »
Does your Dentist Listen To Patients?
Are you tired of doctors that don’t listen to patients? Does your dentist listen to you? When you want to make changes to your smile, you may have a clear vision for what you want to see after your work is completed. Our office recognizes the value of seeing cosmetic care as a collaborative experience…. Read more »
Fully Recovering From TMJ Troubles
Do you frequently find yourself struggling with discomfort along your jaw, or even pain when chewing? If so, have you considered that it could be related to temporamandibular joint dysfunction, or as it is more commonly called, TMJ? Jaw problems can lead to recurring pains that impact your daily life, as well as limitations to your dental… Read more »
Bruxism Treatment | Your management options
Do you wake up with jaw or facial pain or suffer from frequent headaches? Does your jaw pop or click when you open your mouth? Has nighttime grinding worn your enamel down or caused damage? If you said yes to any of these, you and your oral health might benefit from bruxism treatment. While not… Read more »
Canker sores | What are they and what can I do about them?
Does pain from canker sores in your mouth keep you from smiling? Even if you have worked hard to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile through regular dental care and professional teeth whitening, the discomfort can take away your desire to show off your pearly whites. Many children and adults struggle with canker sores. While… Read more »
Cancer Treatments and Your Oral Health
Did you know that cancer treatments can have an adverse affect on your oral health? Your oral cavity is a balance of good and bad bacteria and if that balance is disrupted, which cancer treatments can do, it can cause problems with your oral health. Side affects from the cancer medications as well as common… Read more »
Tooth Sensitivity | Causes and Treatments
Normally, you shouldn’t have tooth sensitivity other than the pressures of biting and chewing. The outer layer of your teeth, called enamel, is the most resilient substance your body produces. It is designed to seal off and protect the inner parts of your teeth. Teeth roots, which aren’t covered by tooth enamel, are protected by… Read more »
Tooth gnashing | How it affects your dental health
Even when patients diligently brush and floss their teeth, certain habits like tooth gnashing can cause significant dental problems. For example, habitually gnashing teeth can wear down a tooth’s natural defenses, leading to a host of dental problems that can destroy your smile. Clinically known as bruxism, habitual teeth grinding is more common than many… Read more »
Popping Jaw Exercises
A popping jaw is typically an indication of temporomandibular joint disorder (or TMD). This jaw dysfunction is oftentimes characterized by its unique symptoms, which include a popping or clicking jaw alongside back, neck, and even shoulder pain. However, as uncomfortable as this disorder is, a few at-home exercises can help improve symptoms and alleviate the… Read more »
TMJ Earaches: The Solution for Your Ear Pain
Do you experience frequent TMJ earaches or a constant ringing in your ears that affects your hearing? Does the pain spread to your face, jaw, or neck or cause frequent headaches? Have over-the-counter pain remedies failed to relieve your pain? While ear infections can cause ear pain, chronic ear pain might be a sign of… Read more »
Tips for Managing Dental Anxiety
If you are avoiding going to the dentist due to dental anxiety, you are putting your health at risk because regular dentist visits are essential to good overall physical health.
Jaw pain while yawning or chewing
Have you noticed ongoing jaw pain while yawning? About 15% of Americans suffer from severe facial pain. Over half of patients exhibit symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ. TMJ dysfunction disrupts the natural and harmonious movement of the facial bones, muscles, and ligaments. What is TMJ dysfunction or disorder? TMJ stands for… Read more »
Chronic TMJ Headaches and Non-Restful Sleep
Do you grind your teeth at night or find yourself clenching? If you do it chronically, it can cause earaches, chronic TMJ headaches, tingling fingers, and even migraines. Aggressive grinding of teeth is very common and can cause the muscles of the jaw to build up lactic acid and become sore. the temporal muscles are… Read more »
Preparing for a dental visit
If going to the dentist is a nerve-racking experience for you, it doesn’t need to be. Is there a better way of preparing for a dental visit to make the appointments more pleasant? Dr. James Fondriest cares about his patients and makes sure that they receive the best service possible in his boutique-style dental practice…. Read more »