Posts Categorized: Dental Technology

Metals in Dentistry: Exploring Biocompatibility

metals in dentistry

Metals in dentistry are used to create a variety of restorations, from fillings and crowns to bridges and dental implants. Not all metals are created equal. Some are biocompatible, which means they aren’t harmful to living tissue. In contrast, some metals can be detrimental to health over time. Here, we’ll explore some of the most… Read more »

When was the toothbrush invented? History of the Toothbrush

history of the toothbrush

Do you know when the toothbrush was invented? Did you know that teeth cleaning tools have been around for thousands of years? The oral hygiene tools of past civilizations were crude in comparison to our modern tooth brushes. Toothbrushes come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. From manual toothbrushes, to electric ones, the toothbrush… Read more »

Implant planning | Digital Guided Surgery Technology

Implant planning

Placing implants is a precise and complicated process. while we pre-plan the entire process, we actually do not do the surgical part of placing the implant. Today’s technology and equipment can make placing implants controlled and cosmetically more able to replicate a natural tooth. In today’s blog, Dr. Fondriest, explains how digital implant technology makes it… Read more »

Advances in Dental Implants Technology

The latest advances in dental implants and Bioteeth technology If you’ve done any research at all about replacing your missing teeth, then you’ve more than likely read about dental implants. These cutting-edge devices are comprised of three parts: the implant, which an oral surgeon or periodontist inserts into the jawbone; the abutment, which connects the… Read more »

Why are dental x-rays important?

Dental X-rays give insight into some of the most elusive dental health issues to the naked eye. Using digital radiography can not only diagnose problems, but also develop treatment plans. Dental radiography is an irreplaceable diagnostic tool. Dental x-rays show issues like tooth decay, misalignment, soft tissue damage, and periodontal disease that escape visual detection. Children generally… Read more »