Posts Categorized: Cavities

Dental fluoride treatment | Why is it important?

dental fluoride treatments

Have you ever wondered why your dentist recommends dental fluoride treatments with each dental cleaning? Maybe you have never considered this treatment as necessary. Today, we will discuss what fluoride is, it’s benefits, and why it is highly recommended for both children and adults. While some people seem to be immune from cavities, most dentists… Read more »

Cavity Prevention | Are You Immune To Cavities?

cavities occur without good cavity prevention

Is it Decay Immunity or just good Cavity Prevention? Tooth decay is an international chronic infectious health disease in industrialized and developing countries, especially in young children. Early Childhood Caries (ECC) begins early in life, progresses rapidly, and causes immediate and long-term effects. People suffering from tooth decay can also suffer pain, lack of self-esteem,… Read more »

Strong Enamel – The Secret of Healthy Teeth

There is no secret, one time trick to keep your teeth healthy for life. A healthy mouth requires a lifetime commitment of routine care to protect your teeth and gums. What many people don’t realize, however, is that teeth also have their own protection. A protective layer that keeps the vulnerable inner tooth from being… Read more »

Broken tooth | Treatment for a fractured tooth

broken tooth

Symptoms of broken tooth are sometimes difficult to distinguish from symptoms of other dental health issues. For instance, like bruxism or TMJ disorder, cracked tooth syndrome causes sensitivity to extreme temperatures. For example, eating ice cream, or drinking hot coffee may produce an aching sensation in your teeth. In severe cases, breathing hot or cold… Read more »

Tooth colored fillings that match perfectly

Tooth colored fillings are popular because, as they’re name suggests, they blend in with teeth to remain completely discreet. Cavities are the most common dental health issue. Most patients appreciate being able to deal with them without having to deal with the metal appearance of traditional fillings. However, the benefits of bonding teeth go beyond… Read more »

Enhance Your Smile with Bonded Fillings

bonded fillings

Bonded fillings are one of the most popular treatments in dentistry. Tooth colored composite resin fillings restore the health of your smile while offering a natural looking, aesthetic result. They are a cosmetic alternative to amalgam and are often used for elective cosmetic improvements. In this informative article, we’ll explore why bonded fillings are less… Read more »

Fix A Cavity | How, Why, Options

How To Fix A Cavity

Tooth decay impacts patients of all ages and will require restorative treatment. Otherwise, serious complications can arise, such as dental infections or abscesses. Fortunately, we can provide an artistic and cosmetic approach to restorative treatment. We can fix a cavity using lifelike fillings and crowns. Cavities are one of the most common dental problems on… Read more »

Developing cavities | Decay prevention pointers

developing cavities

Are you worried developing cavities? In particular, are you concerned about the health of your smile? Nearly 90 percent of adults develop cavities, and many school-aged children deal with them, as well. Fortunately, it is possible to prevent cavities. It just requires a combination of diligent hygiene and professional preventive care, as well as other… Read more »

Xylitol and cavities | Benefits of use

xylitol and cavities

Are you struggling to help keep your family cavity free? Does it feel like no amount of hygiene, or healthy diet, is enough to keep bacteria from causing damaging acid erosion? It seems to some people that the benefits of xylitol are being overlooked. Considering that over 25 percent of American children from 2 to… Read more »


Do you have cavities? You shouldn’t wait until your teeth or gums ache before visiting your dentist. Besides brushing and flossing your teeth twice every day, the American Dental Association (ADA) also recommends attending regular dental exams and cleanings at least once every six months. Ideally, good hygiene allows patients to prevent the formation of… Read more »

Do You Suffer from TMJ Disorder?

TMJ Earaches

Did you know that TMD disorder, or TMJ, affects over ten million people in the United States alone? Jaw strain that results in TMJ disorder can lead to a number of uncomfortable symptoms. Without treatment, TMJ disorder may make eating and even yawning difficult. Fortunately,  Dr. James Fondriest, offers the experience and knowledge necessary to… Read more »

Best Crowns in Chicago | How to tell quality

Best Porcelain Crowns Chicago

Did you know a recent Kelton Research study revealed that people with beautiful, bright smiles are considered more attractive and successful? A gorgeous smile can boost confidence. Often, our teeth become damaged due to tooth decay or injury. When this happens, people can become self conscious regarding the imperfections in their smile. Thankfully, a dental… Read more »

Should you replace metal fillings?

Replace metal fillings

Do dark, unsightly fillings in your mouth cause you embarrassment and hold you back when you want to show off your biggest smile or laugh with abandon? Tooth colored fillings are an excellent option to replace metal fillings and enhance your smile. Have you heard that the mercury in metal fillings can cause health issues,… Read more »

How Chocolate Benefits Teeth

Do you celebrate a Truffle Day every day? Truffle Day was a day to celebrate the sweet confection invented in France in 1895. While we caution against the sugar and fat contents of truffles, new research points to evidence of dental health benefits from chocolate. You read correctly; chocolate benefits teeth. Chicago dentist, Dr. Fondriest… Read more »

Hidden Sugar in Foods You Eat

Why are we getting cavities? Spring is a minefield of sweets and candy. With Valentine’s Day, Easter, cotton candy at the carnivals, and that long awaited day when snow cone stands reopen for business, you may find yourself overindulging in springtime treats. Sugar is often cited as the worst offender for your dental health and… Read more »

Dark chocolate and cavities

Dark chocolate and cavities

Does dark chocolate cause cavities? The consensus up until now has been that chocolate is bad for your teeth. It is high in sugar and sugar causes cavities, right? Wrong. Sugar helps cause cavities but it is not solely responsible. A number of factors come together to create tooth decay including sugar and pathogenic oral bacteria. Pathogenic… Read more »

Dental Cavities: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention

dental cavities

Dental cavities are common. Even individuals who practice impeccable oral hygiene can still develop tooth decay. Left untreated, this condition can lead to discomfort and other serious long term problems. Fortunately, there are several treatments available to address the issue, including fillings, crowns, and other custom invisible dental restorations. In this article, we will discuss… Read more »

What is plaque and how to get rid of it

what is plaque

What is plaque? Plaque is a sticky, yellow substance that naturally and constantly is forming on teeth. Plaque is made up of a complex microbial community with over ten billion bacteria per milligram. And each milligram contains approximately 400 different types of bacteria that produce acids. The bacterial products and acids combine with saliva to… Read more »