Preventing Bone Loss

When caring for their smiles, few people consider the importance of a healthy jawbone. In fact, your jawbone helps keep your teeth strong, healthy, and holds them in place. But when a patient fails at replacing missing teeth, they leave their jawbone vulnerable to bone loss. In today’s blog, Dr. James Fondriest, explains how to protect your teeth by preventing bone loss.

Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

When a patient loses a tooth, the body stops supplying that area of the jaw with necessary doses of calcium and phosphorus. Soon, the bone begins to deteriorate, threatening the stability of surrounding teeth. In addition, the adjacent teeth may begin to drift, increasing the risk of further tooth loss. Without teeth, the jawbone is starved of nutrients, causing a loss of bone density that affects your appearance and dental health.

Gum Disease

Several factors can result in missing teeth, such as trauma or tooth decay. But one of the most common causes of tooth loss is gum disease. Nearly half of all American adults exhibit the symptoms of gum disease. Initially, patients report tender or swollen gums. The gums may also bleed easily when the patient brushes or flosses. Gum disease occurs when bacteria from plaque buildup causes inflammation. Over time, the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, forming pockets at the gum line. Once the bacteria invade these pockets, the bone that supports the teeth may degrade, causing tooth loss.

Treatment Options

Good oral hygiene is one of the best methods of preventing gum disease and protecting your teeth. Brush at least twice a day and floss once. Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash. These simple steps help remove plaque buildup and cleanse the mouth of food particles and harmful bacteria. Regular checkups allow Dr. Fondriest to watch for the early signs of gum disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

To replace front teeth, Dr. Fondriest offers dental implants. A titanium post is anchored into the socket of the missing tooth. The bone bonds with the post, accepting it as a natural tooth. Dr. Fondriest places a custom-made crown on top of the post, returning your mouth to full function and appearance, and eliminating symptoms of bone loss. Dental implants provide a secure, esthetically pleasing method of tooth replacement.

Schedule a Visit with Your General Dentist

Have you lost a tooth? Are you currently exhibit symptoms of gum disease? Dr. Fondriest can help!  Contact your Lake Forest general dentist for a diagnosis and to discuss treatment options by calling 847-234-0517. Our dentist office offers the latest in cosmetic dentistry and welcomes patients from the North Shore suburbs of Chicago.