Do you brush your teeth regularly? Perhaps you wouldn’t think of skipping a brushing. There are many people that brush religiously, yet do not floss. Less than half of Americans floss daily and 10 percent don’t floss at all. Both brushing and flossing are important to your dental health. Flossing helps prevent cavities, gingivitis, and… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Oral Systemic Health
Straight teeth | How important is it?
Why straighten crooked teeth? Have you ever wondered why it is so important to have straight teeth? Do your choppers really need to be straight? Are truly straight teeth attractive as well as necessary? The answer is yes to all of these questions. Making everything straight offers a multitude of benefits. Dr. James Fondriest in… Read more »
Whoopi Goldberg’s Struggle with Gum Disease
Celebrity gum disease Whoopi Goldberg has struggled with gum disease for many years. Sharing her problems has put light on a topic that many suffer from. Learning to brush your teeth is a right of passage for all children. We’re told about the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day and going to the… Read more »
The Oral Systemic Connection
Improving oral health has become a leading health goal due to the oral systemic connection. Extensive research has linked the condition of our oral cavity to the condition of our overall health; meaning that you need to take good care of your mouth in order to have a healthy body. The lack of proper oral… Read more »
Pancreatic Cancer and Gum Disease Linked
If you’ve been keeping up on the developments with periodontal disease and other health problems, then you probably won’t be surprised to find that periodontal disease may also be linked to pancreatic cancer. So far periodontal disease has been linked to a host of other chronic illnesses including heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure,… Read more »
Endocarditis from Dental Treatment
Before 2008 it was required of certain patients to take antibiotics before dental treatment. It was thought that dental treatment would cause endocarditits. This was to help protect them from a rare but very serious infection of the heart lining called Infective Endocarditis. Before invasive treatments that might leak harmful bacteria which can travel to… Read more »
Gum Disease Linked To Kidney Problems
Periodontal disease is definitely earning itself a bad reputation. Not only has it been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, dementia, and even impotence in men, and recently gum disease linked to kidney disease. Dr. Fondriest, explains the recent study linking periodontal disease and kidney disease.
Periodontal Disease And Impotence
Men beware, not only has periodontal disease been linked to many systemic health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, it has been linked to impotence as well. So if you are a man looking for a reason to take better care of your teeth and gums, don’t wait to make a New Year’s resolution…start… Read more »
Brush Before Bed?
Do you brush before bed? It’s a very important time to brush if you don’t. Otherwise, everything from throughout the day sits in your mouth collecting bad bacteria. In today’s blog, your Lake Forest Dentist, Dr. Fondriest, discusses the need to brush your teeth before bed.
Gums Bleed When Brushed | Why?
If you only floss occasionally then it is usually normal that your gums bleed when brushed. Hopefully at least they then consider flossing more. When there is bleeding with brushing, most people brush their teeth less vigorously. This is actually usually the wrong thing to do. It may be that you actually don’t know how… Read more »
Heart Disease and Oral Health
It has been theorized since the 1920’s that heart disease and oral health are linked. Recent research has indicated links not only between heart disease and oral health, but between oral health and diabetes, hypertension, lung infections, and dementia. Although the links are not perfectly clear, research continues to try to narrow down specifics as… Read more »
Dental Care for Diabetics
Proper oral health care is important for diabetics. Substantial research has shown that high sugar levels associated with diabetes can contribute to oral health issues, and that periodontal disease can contribute to diabetes. Today, your Lake Forest Dentist, Dr. Fondriest, discusses dental care and diabetes.
Diagnosing the tongue: A Window To Your Health?
Feeling lethargic? Under the weather? Stick out your tongue. Your tongue is one of the most under appreciated and overlooked organs in your body. A tongue is truly a fascinating thing. Not only does it consist of eight muscles that run in all directions so your tongue can move in the many unique ways it… Read more »
Oral Health Affects Overall Health
Your dentist has been well trained on the oral-systemic connection. Mouth microbes can enter the bloodstream and affect other areas of your body. Your body is made up of many different systems. But no one system exists in and of itself. Each system is dependent on the others. For instance, your brain (nervous system) tells… Read more »
Periodontal Disease | Risk Factors, Treatments
Other than tooth decay, periodontitis is the leading threat to dental health. Numerous studies have indicated a link between dental health, mental health, and your overall health. Poor oral health has been associated with heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and lung infections. In the old days when no links to systemic issues were know, tooth… Read more »
Gum Disease in Women
Women tend to be caretakers. They take care of their children, their husbands, their parents, stray animals, even their children’s friends. If there is someone to take care of, they often do it. Research shows that women also take better care of their teeth than men. Women have less gum disease than men. This can… Read more »
What is Oral-Systemic Health?
Aside from hygiene product commercials and visits to the dentist, you may not hear much about oral health. The lack of conversation about it, however, doesn’t accurately reflect the fact that most people have one or more serious dental issues to deal with. In fact, in the United States alone, over 90% of adults have… Read more »
Oral bacteria | Culprits that Cause Dental Diseases
Have you ever stopped to consider what the greatest threat to your smile is? It might be traumatic impact from a fall. If you smoke or chew tobacco, then it might be the chemicals your mouth is exposed to through the habit. In most cases, however, the greatest threat to your dental health is something… Read more »
Systemic diseases from gum disease
Are you worried about gum disease affecting you at some point in your life? Did you know that there are many systemic diseases associated with and caused by gum disease? If you haven’t already, there’s a good chance that you might, considering that gum disease affects over 70% of adults in the United States today…. Read more »
Consequences of Gum Disease and How to Prevent It
Gum disease is one of the most widespread dental health issues in adults today. It is also the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the United States. Gum Disease Overview The danger of gum disease isn’t due to the fact that gum disease is difficult to detect or hard to treat. On the contrary,… Read more »
Can Green Tea Improve Your Oral Health?
Over the past few years, research has emerged touting the many oral health benefits of green tea. According to numerous studies, the soothing, warm elixir can lower your risk for a range of systemic diseases, including cardiovascular disorders and diabetes. Additionally, many health and beauty experts claim that green tea helps treat acne and calm… Read more »
Link between flossing and healthy knees
It seems strange, doesn’t it? You’re reading correctly. Recent research has discovered a correlation between gum disease and arthritic knees. Gum problems have been linked to many systemic health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. Periodontal Bacteria Migrating to the Knees Scientists found traces of periodontal bacteria, or gum bacteria, in the knees… Read more »
Breast Cancer and Your Oral Health
Roll out the pink, October is breast cancer awareness month. In honor of the fight against this disease, which accounts for nearly a third of all cancer diagnoses in women, your Lake Forest dentist will dedicate today’s post to discussing breast cancer and how it relates to your oral health. Breast Cancer in the United… Read more »
Lost teeth linked to dementia
A recent article from the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found a significant association between tooth loss and dementia. Those who can no longer chew food have a higher likelihood of developing dementia. Gum disease creates a bacterial shower in your circulatory system. This bacterial shower is linked to many systemic diseases such as… Read more »
Mouth bacteria: Your Oral Ecosystem
It seems that for years people have not considered their mouth a part of their body. That sounds strange, doesn’t it? Yet, even the medical field has ignored the implications of a diseased mouth on a patient’s bodily health. Today that is changing. There has been all sorts of research indicating a connection between the… Read more »
Connection between diabetes and gum disease
As scientists and researchers discover more about the connection between oral health and overall vitality, we would like to provide our patients insight into how diabetes and gum disease are connected. Dr. James Fondriest strives to continually educate his patients, especially patients with certain conditions and special needs. Below are some commonly asked questions about… Read more »
Oral Health Hazards of Smoking
Oral health is definitely affected by smoking. You’ve probably heard about the link between tobacco and heart disease, stroke, and cancer, but do you know what smoking does to your teeth? Let’s examine the most common oral health problems associated with smoking. Social Factors Bad breath: The bacteria in your mouth mix with the tobacco… Read more »