The good thing about modern fixed bridges and dentures is that they can be crafted to mimic healthy, natural teeth so well that they often remain unnoticeable when in place. However, despite their highly lifelike appearance and ability to fully restore your bite function, custom designed dental bridges and dentures still lack a few important elements that your smile needs – most importantly, the support of roots. Now implants can improve your bridge or denture by supporting them. Conventional bridges and dentures can be upgraded or made stronger by attaching them to a series of dental implant posts.
The Unique Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental implants are small, biocompatible posts that are inserted into your jawbone. Each post is meant to withstand a certain amount of bite pressure while effectively supporting your replacement teeth. This means that, unlike more traditional options, dental implants are the only ones that mimic the same comfort and stability that your healthy, natural teeth enjoy. It also means that only dental implants can help stop the degradation of your jawbone that occurs after losing one or more of your teeth roots.
Enjoy comfort and confidence with a dental implant as a long term tooth replacement option
Dental implants are unique in that they are the only form of prostheses that can help to replace a missing tooth and the root that once held it in place. They accomplish this through the use of mimic tooth roots, which are made from biocompatible titanium. Once placed within the jaw, this artificial tooth root can then act as a permanent and stable base on which a replacement tooth, even an implant bridge, can be permanently affixed.
This mimic root does more than just provide stability for the replacement tooth, though. It also acts to supply nutrients to the jaw, as one chews, which can help to prevent shrinkage of the jaw over time, one of the common and troubling side effects of tooth loss.
What Makes Titanium Remarkable
In years past, dentists used various metals to complete dental procedures, not many of which were able to stand up to a lifetime of wear. However, titanium is one of the most durable metals on the planet, which just so happens to be uniquely related to human bone.
It’s considered biocompatible because of how closely it matches the bone structures within the human body. For this reason you’ll find titanium being used in not only dental procedures, but also in orthopedic, hearing related and face reconstruction surgeries as well.
“Osseointegration” is the technical term used to describe when bone begins to regenerate around a dental (or medical) implant. It’s at this point that we would be able to work towards affixing a crown or denture atop the dental implant.
Depending on the reason for your tooth loss and the condition of your gums, we’ll work closely with either an oral surgeon or a periodontist to plan every step of your dental implant procedure. We’ll also make sure that whatever cosmetic replacement option you choose is a comfortable and beautiful fit.
Upgrading Your Dental Prosthesis
When patients lose teeth, their dentist often recommend dental implants as the first and most beneficial choice for replacing them. However, many patients still rely on conventional bridges and dentures that weren’t placed on dental implant posts. Fortunately, bridges and dentures can be improved with the help of dental implants. After a comprehensive examination and consultation, your dentist will help you determine if implants are a good idea and what you should do next. There are common mistakes that are made when planning for implants. It is good to consider a another opinion with any significant treatment.
Learn how implants can improve your bridge or denture
With the right number of dental implants, you can turn your existing dental bridge or denture into a more comfortable and lifelike replacement for your lost teeth. For more information on the best treatment options, schedule a consultation by calling Lake Forest Dental Arts in Lake Forest, IL, at 847-234-0517. We also proudly serve residents of Chicago and all surrounding communities in the Chicago Metro area.