Worried that you could be in need of esthetic restorative care? If so, what is causing you the most concern? Is it what your dental restoration will look like once completed, or what it will feel like? Many people, especially those who haven’t had restorative work completed in a long time, worry about how they will feel following treatment. They may even be envisioning large metal crowns or fillings that will be easily spotted. Fortunately, modern dental restorations are designed to both look and feel natural, allowing patients to enjoy healthy and beautiful smiles after their restorative work has been completed.
It’s very easy to find yourself feeling like you’re so far away from a healthy and beautiful smile and that even if you wanted to, you probably wouldn’t be able to restore your grin. We understand that advanced issues like decay and esthetic damage, broken teeth, missing teeth, and more can make you ignore your desires for a lovely, functional smile as you talk yourself out of the possibility of improvement. It is not an either or situation. Each time you repair dental damage, you could be upgrading your smile with esthetic restorative care at the same time.
Sensitivity and Discomfort Are Common Signs of Dental Troubles
If you are experiencing dental sensitivity, much less pain, don’t delay a trip to the dentist. Prompt restorative dental work can help to reduce the risk of developing a painful tooth infection, the kind that might require root canal therapy or even extraction. When issues are caught and treated early, minimally invasive treatment is usually sufficient for restoring comfort and protecting damaged teeth.
Enjoy restored comfort with quality esthetic restorative care
Modern restorative dental work options mean you can get back to enjoying meals, and smiling confidently, after treatment. For instance, instead of metal dental fillings dentists now regularly recommend composite resin fillings. This material looks natural, and conducts less heat than metal, making it more comfortable for many patients, particularly those who suffer from metal sensitivities or allergies.
Porcelain crowns are another seamless option, and one that provides long-lasting protection. That’s because dental-grade porcelain is strong and also stain resistant, making it an excellent cosmetic and functional choice!
We’re Here To Design Your Smile Future
It’s very important to us that you recognize we are here to rely on the art of dentistry to help redesign your smile. Whether this means fixing a problematic tooth or offering you long term, comprehensive care for multiple concerns, it’s what we do! Comprehensive esthetic restorative care means that we address every last detail associated with restoring your smile (bringing it back to its prior state of structural stability and health) and we do so with a beautiful, natural looking finish!
What You Can Expect
Expect a complete smile transformation that requires a bit of a journey. As you have already recognized, when you need a lot of work done, it can take more than just a visit and that’s okay. When you keep the end goal in sight, which is a beautiful, healthy, fully functioning smile, it’s easy to remind yourself that with several steps, you’ll get there! Talk with us about the esthetic restorative treatments we offer for a better understanding of what your care plan may entail. They may include:
- Porcelain crowns
- Dental implants
- Ceramic veneers
- Bonding
- Bridges
- Cosmetic dental face lifts
How to boost your motivation to have esthetic restorative care
Remember that all you really have to do is have a realistic and positive outlook and show up! We will work closely with you as we collaborate to focus on a personalized plan to address your unique smile concerns. We will take your smile from its current state to what you’ve been visualizing for yourself all of these years.
Learn more about esthetic restorative care
Dr. Fondriest has developed long term working relationships with several of the worlds best ceramists. It is the ceramist that actually artistically creates your restorations. See how restorative dentistry can improve your smile needs and the finish and beauty you want. To schedule a consultation, call our office in Lake Forest, IL, today at 847-234-0517. We also proudly serve residents of Chicago and all surrounding communities in the Chicago Metro area.