Have you heard of TMJ? TMJ stands for your temporomandibular joint. Your temporomandibular joint is the sliding hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull. If this joint becomes sore, pops or clicks when opening and closing, becomes stiff, or is limited in movement you may have a TMD. A TMD is a disorder of the TMJ. TMD stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. Treatment for a TMJ symptoms is determined by the cause, type of disorder, and its severity. Some are easily treated using relaxation techniques, some may require a mouth guard, and more serious ones might require surgery. Today we discuss symptoms of TMD’s and how they are treated.
TMJ Symptoms
If you have one or all of the following symptoms you may have a TMD:
- Headaches
- Neck pain
- Sensitive teeth
- Bruxism (grinding and clenching your teeth)
- Ringing in your ears (tinnitus)
- Pain or stiffness on or near your jaw
- Popping or clicking when opening and closing your mouth
- Difficulty chewing
- Limited jaw movement or pain while yawning
- Locked jaw joint
Heat or cold packs: You can often loosen muscles and relieve pain due to TMD by taking turns applying heat and cold packs on your jaw joints.
Avoid grinding: Keeping your teeth apart avoids pressure on your jaw joint and lessens TMJ symptoms.
Avoid large jaw movements: Try to avoid yawning, singing, yelling, and chewing.
Over-the-counter medications: Over-the-counter meds can be used to relieve pain and reduce swelling.
Relaxation techniques: Can help you loosen and relax your jaw muscles.
Nocturnal mouth guard: This can help if your TMD is caused by bruxing. Keeping your teeth apart relieves undue pressure and stress on your jaw joints.
Dental restoration: If your TMJ symptoms are due to your teeth being misaligned, dental work might be necessary such as crowns, or cosmetic bonding.
Learn more about treating your TMJ symptoms
Aside from providing dependable general and restorative dentistry services to our community, Dr. James Fondriest also holds respected academic appointments at the Pankey Institute in Key Biscayne, FL, and the Spear Institute in Scottsdale, AZ, and he is a former adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at the University of Florida Dental School. At Lake Forest Dental Arts, Dr. Fondriest combines his impressive array of experience with modern technology and caring, compassionate, knowledgeable staff, and we proudly serve patients from Chicago and all surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (847) 234-0517.