We invite you to read some of Dr. Fondriest’s selected contributions to various professional journals and periodicals.
- “Esthetic Overlays” [ Esthetic Overlays – Roberts Fondriest PDF]
Journal of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Volume 35, Number 1, 2019
- “Incisal Morphology and Mechanical Wear Patterns of Anterior Teeth- Reproducing Natural Wear Patterns in Ceramic Restorations” [Incisal Morphology and Mechanical Wear Patterns PDF]
Am J Esthet Dent 2012:2:98-114.
- “Minimal Preparation Veneer Case Selection Process” [Veneer Case Selection Process.PDF]
Inside Dentistry, March 2010; 6: 36-43
- “Esthetic Repair of the Consequences of Celiac Disease: A Case Report” Cosmetic rehab of Celiac Patient.PDF
Journal of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Fall 2009
- “Collaborative Development of a Natural Looking Smile” [Collaborative Development of a Natural Looking Smile.PDF]
Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry, January 2009
- “Portrait Photography for the Cosmetic Dental Practice” [Portrait Photography for the Cosmetic Dental Practice.PDF]
Journal of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Spring 2008
- “Prosthodontic Documentation / Diagnostic Photography” [Prosthodontic Documentation / Diagnostic Photography.PDF]
Quintessence of Dental Technology, 2008
- Using provisional restorations to improve results in complex aesthetic restorative cases [Using provisional restorations to improve results in complex aesthetic restorative cases to improve results.PDF ]
Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry. 2006:18(4):217-224.
- “Shade Matching a Single Maxillary Central Incisor” [Shade Matching a Single Maxillary Central Incisor.PDF]
Quintessence of Dental Technology, 2005
- “Photographic Documentation of Shade Information for the Laboratory” [Shade Matching Photography.PDF]
Dental Collaborations, Winter 2005
- “The Use of Dental Colorimeters in Laboratory Communication” [The Use of Dental Colorimeters in Laboratory Communication.PDF]
The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Fall 2004
- “Metal-Free Dentistry, Almost” [Metal-Free Dentistry, Almost PDF]
Dental Economics, November 2004
- “Improving Photographic Strategies in Shade Communication” [Improving Photographic Strategies in Shade Communication.PDF]
The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Fall 2003
- “Shade Matching in Restorative Dentistry: The Science and Strategies” [Shade Matching in Restorative Dentistry: The Science and Strategies.PDF]
The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, Volume 23, Number 5, 2003
- “Fabricating Radiographic Stents in Implant Treatment Planning” [Fabricating Radiographic Stents in Implant Treatment Planning.PDF]
CDS Review, January/February 1997