Protect Your Smile

Do You Protect Your Smile?

Are you bound and determined to maintain good dental health? While you might know exactly how to lose weight or get in shape, do you sometimes feel confused by what really needs to happen to protect your oral health? Is mouthwash just a marketing gimmick, for instance? Do you still need to visit the dentist if your smile seems healthy? Preventive dental care isn’t complicated, which means protecting your smile is one resolution you can keep. You just need to know what is actually necessary to keeping your teeth and gums healthy, and then commit to following through with those steps.

Do You Floss and Brush?

Brushing your teeth twice a day can help protect them from tartar buildup, which can lead to acidic erosion and other health threats. However, you should also be flossing at least once a day, if you really want to protect your teeth and gums.

Think about all the food particles and bacteria that can be trapped between teeth, where toothbrush bristles simply cannot reach effectively. Flossing helps to remove these, leading to fresher breath, and more important healthier teeth and gums in between cleanings.

Mouthwash can help to temporarily freshen one’s breath, but flossing can actually help to remove bad breath-causing bacteria.

Do You Drink Enough Water?

Drinking water is another simple way to protect the smile and prevent tooth decay. That’s because water helps the body to produce saliva, which helps to limit plaque’s ability to stick to the surface of the teeth. This can lessen your likelihood of struggling with cavities. Plus, drinking more fluoridated water can do great things for your body and your skin, as well! Children and adults benefit from dental fluoride treatments.

Protect your smile by seeing the dentist regularly

Of course, no matter how well you brush and floss your teeth, you should still be seeing the dentist at least twice a year for checkups and cleanings. These visits are the best way to check for any burgeoning issues before they become full-blown dental problems. Professional cleanings are also the only way to remove tartar once it has calcified onto teeth.

So make sure you schedule bi-annual dental visits, if you really want to protect your smile.